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“Have no anxiety at all ...

Philippians 4:6

but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

At first glance, this might seem like a pretty simplistic approach to the anxieties of our lives.  It seems to say, “Say a prayer and you will get peace.”  How can that work when most of the time it seems like our prayers aren’t answered?  I think the answers are in the words of this Scripture if we reflect on them a bit. 

First, this passage points us to our relationship with God – to go to Him with everything, to share our troubles, our concerns, our joys, and sorrows.  Most of us have experienced how it feels to share in this way with a dear friend, spouse, or family member – that wonderful feeling of being heard, not journeying alone, and being supported.  That is exactly what God offers us – listening, support, and companionship on the journey.  He does not promise to do what we ask, but rather to listen to what we want and walk with us. 

Second, the ”thanksgiving” and “peace” mentioned above, I think happen when we trust that God truly hears us and gives us what is best for us, not necessarily what we want.  We can all likely remember times in our childhood of begging to attend a party or to do something that our parents did not consent to.  At the time it seemed like the end of the world and the worst possible outcome.  Yet, in hindsight, often their refusal kept us safe or helped us to grow in integrity, love, or wisdom – not what we asked for, but in the end a much better gift.  And so it is with God.  Who are we to think that we know better than God, that what we ask for is always the best possible outcome? God sees the big, eternal picture. We see the much smaller, more immediate, implications for our lives.

Our challenge is to shift our confidence to the Lord instead of trusting in ourselves and/or the world. When we believe that whatever is happening in every moment in time, whether it matches what we think is good or not, God is at work and seeking to bring good from it, we don't need to worry.  God  works in and through all the tragedies, unanswered prayers, and disappointments, healing us, changing us, teaching us, and growing us.  When we believe this, we can learn to trust God and accept the circumstances around us.  Although perhaps not today, eventually, all will be well, or at least better than they are now. 

How good would it be to approach life that way?  To step forward in prayer and trust, rather than worry, anxiety, and fear.  Each day, and multiple times per day, we have that choice to make.  Will we worry or trust God?  Each choice will determine whether we live in anxiety or trust.

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